Welcome back potters! At this point in your ceramic schooling you should be getting pretty comfortable working with the clay. Ceramics 3 is a great opportunity to begin focusing on expressing your own ideas and originality as you continue to improve your technical skill and craftsmanship. Generally this class is mixed in with the AP Ceramics group. Embrace the opportunity to work with students who have more experience and learn from them. Many of our class materials will say "AP" on them this is just to keep things more simple for me. At this point, you will not be expected to perform at, nor will you be graded at the level of the AP students. But, take the challenge to grow and be in their shoes in the near future!
Class Syllabus/Disclosure
Every student should have a copy of the class disclosure. On the backside is a place to date and sign that the student and their guardian have read and understand the expectations and rules of the class. This signed slip is worth points and will be your first assignment. If you are new to the class or simply lost yours please download it here.